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Why Millenials Change Jobs Too Often

Are you switching a job to another too often?

Millennials  (name given to the generation born between 1982 and 2004) are known to be bipolar but more of to be explorer- one thing that the generation x cannot understand on Millenials.

Below are some of the gathered information of the progressingmind,   Why Millenials Change Jobs Too Often with (Advantages and Disadvantages):
A transfer provides a career path for an employee when a promotion is not available. It provides advantages for an employee. In a transfer, the employee:

Advantages of a Transfer

1. Gains new knowledge and skills by performing a different job that requires new skills and provides different responsibilities.

 2. Overcomes boredom and dissatisfaction with his or her current job by having a new and different job with changed responsibilities and tasks.

 3. Receives a new challenge, a chance for the employee to expand his or her accomplishments, reach, impact, and potentially, influence different aspects of the workplace and organization.
    Experience a change of scene and work environment which challenges the employee to adapt and learn to manage change. (Increases the employee's ability to deal with ambiguity.)

4. Will learn about different components, activities, and jobs in the organization and how work is accomplished in different departments or job functions. (This will build his or her organizational knowledge and ability to get things done. It will also increase the value that she provides to the organization.)

5. Prepares for a promotion or broader organizational role, by expanding his or her skill set and responsibilities, and gain broader knowledge about the total organization.
    Gains visibility with a new group of coworkers and managers. Visibility for a good employee brings potential opportunities. The more people who understand the value that she brings to the organization—the better.

6. Allows the employee to accomplish all of the above while retaining his or her current salary, benefits package, and company perks. A job change to achieve these same benefits might result in the loss of needed and appreciated compensation, benefits, and time-off options such as the number of weeks of vacation available.

Downsides of Transfer

It's tempting to say that there are no downsides when an employee transfers to a new job, but that isn't true in all cases. So, let's consider the potential downsides while celebrating the above positives.

This is going to sound as if the flip side of each positive is a potential downside but consider these potential negatives in an employee job transfer.

1. The employee has to learn a whole new job. When an employee has been comfortably and happily performing in their current position, this change can require a lot of energy investment, learning, and adjustment.
2. The employee needs to develop a new network of customers and coworkers with whom he can successfully work. The new network has different ways of accomplishing work and getting things done. He will need to learn their way of doing business and adjust his behavior to the whole new network of relationships.

3. A new boss may or may not work effectively with the transferred employee. There are bad bosses out there and what if he is one of them? In the former position, the employee had learned to work with the boss he had. In any case, a new boss requires an adjustment.

4. What if the employee doesn't like the job, the work or his coworkers? He must succeed or he will likely be ineligible for additional transfers and promotions. Alternatively, he can leave the company.
5. The employee will need to work hard, work longer hours, and more to prove that he deserved the new position and that the organization gave the right person the opportunity.

For the employer, the major downside is that the employee will not produce as successfully until he or she learns the new job. The employer will also have to replace the employee with another employee.

To counter these concerns, consider that a good employee who has been successful in the past will learn quickly to contribute in the new position. If the employer has worked to develop succession planning, the employer has the right employee waiting to take the transferring employee's job.

Please note that the word transfer is often used interchangeably with the term, lateral move, although a transfer can also involve a promotion whereas a lateral move does not. As such, in the business world, though, the employer would likely call the move a promotion.

Majority of the content of this article is gathered from thebalance- all credits for the site
Credits to photos from: Google

About Roque Folminar

A person who thinks everything is just possible and that everyone is capable


  1. I need realistic reasons. SWELDO kuya ang main reason, next is Environment and relationships with co employees.


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