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Top Ways to Stay Positive in Life

Top  Ways to Stay Positive in All Aspects of Life

Well, life is too short to be negative. If we focus our minds to be negative, we might not have anymore time to be positive. Enjoy life, focus on productivity and see below the top ways for me on how to be and how to remain positive in all aspects of life.

Top Way #1: Think of the People You Care

There should have people behind why you wake up everyday, from going and staying late at work sometimes, from studying and working hard and from stepping up from mistakes and failures, these people can be your family (parents, siblings, grandmother or grandfather), girlfriend or boyfriend, best friends, idols and even enemies.  To be positive, you should always remind yourself about these people as to motivate and inspire you, put in mind that there are some people depending on you and that if you become negative and just give up, they will surely and hardly be affected.

Top Way #2: Remind Yourself About Future Goals

When you were a kid, do you still remember that "I want to become a Teacher, an Engineer, a Pilot, a Doctor  an IT Programmer/Networker, a President or an Artist / etc...?" 

Do you still remember those days when you say "Someday I want to..."?

There are some instances where we feel so empty and down, ignored and drained, but be calm, refresh and remind yourself of those statements again and you will just be amazed how powerful remembering those days are, just like an energy injected into your mind fueling positivism thus giving you excellent outcomes  for your future goals. Reflect and remember those old days, they can surely be of help.

Top Way #3: Know Your Destined Skills

Everyone is just created uniquely; everyone has gifts and that those gifts are everyone's responsibility to discover. Do you already know what really your passions are? what areas you really are good at?

Discovering the skills that you really are good at is somehow easy to think, easy to say that I am good into this and I am good into that. But, if you think very deeply, are you really happy with that field/skills? Knowing what really your destined skills is very time consuming thus I can say and suggest is, don't be afraid to try something you think you will really be good at. Don't be scared to make a switch from your career to something you think you will be more happy at, just don't, as you might lose the opportunity to discover more about yourself and that you won't know how capable you really are.

I added knowing your destined skills as one of the top ways, for only in the area/field that we are very much happy we will surely be kept positive. Everyone can be positive but not everyone can remain positive.

Know your purpose verses: https://goo.gl/b4fEa9

Top and Last way: Your Own Ways

You surely have reasons why you are still here for now, you are here for something BIG, you are here for some PURPOSE, you surely are here to make an IMPACT.

OPEN your mind, ABSORB positive energy and KNOW that you can make a difference and that no one can judge you- no one. Think as everything is a matter of now or never. Think of your own ways and be positive.

About Roque Folminar

A person who thinks everything is just possible and that everyone is capable

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